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Monday, May 4, 2009

Wisdom for the Church Today

I was thrilled to see that Thomas Nelson Publishing was offering Christianity in Crisis 21st Century for their book bloggers review program.

Wow discernment for those who will listen!

The church today desperately needs this book! There are so few bold “watchmen on the wall”, and Hank Hanegraaff is indeed one of these discerning ministers. Hanegraaff says in the preface “ the Biblical model of faith has given away to an increasingly bizarre array of fads and formulas.”

Two decades ago “Christianity in Crisis” was published. This new book expands on the information in the original. The “Crisis” is only intensifying as we are nearing the fulfillment of all prophecy.

Hanegraff, who is President of the Christian Research Institute is not afraid to name names as he exposes the heretical doctrines taught by leaders of the “faith movement.” From Kenneth Hagan to Todd Bentley. I thank God for your boldness Hank!

Ultimately man is taught to believe that “the face of faith is so powerful that even God (however you define him) is bound by its irrevocable reality.” The power lies not in the sovereignty of God; but in the words we speak.

Is this not exalting man and his thoughts above God?”

I was glad to see that Hanegraaff takes time to distinguish the charismatic renewal movement from the deceptions found in the Word of faith movement. “ The Crisis within Christianity is not the fault of the charismatic renewal movement. It is focused on a life and death struggle between orthodoxy and heresy; between the Kingdom of Christ and the kingdom of the cults.”

Such depth of detail revealed within this book; I counted 157 pages of Appendixes and Indexes, Bibliography and Notes. This kind of research comes from an Institute whose focus is indeed researching these topics. This book is filled with scripture, quotations and references.

Those of you who have the original “Christianity in Crisis” need to know that the Crisis continues to grow deceive many. I encourage you to get this book. I again thank Thomas Nelson Publishing for making this book available for review.

Check out ThomasNelsonProductPage for more information.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Excellent review, Martha. I've read the book; it's such an eye-opener. Thank you for posting your review so, hopefully, many will pick up a copy and read. These are disturbing times and we need spiritual discernment like never before - this indepth book will help.♥

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